Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election day

My Election Day experience got started on the right track last night at Ragamuffin Soul. About 200 people showed up and we had prayer for the election. We prayed for both candidates, their wives, and their children. The most moving part was when Carlos asked those voting for McCain to type in their prayers for Obama, and then vice versa. I was moved to tears. What a picture of the Church (big C!) and how we should act and pray. Not just for our own motives but because we truly care about others and want God to reveal His love to them. It was AWESOME! And God was glorified.

Then this morning I went to my voting place...and waited, and waited, and waited! Three hours later I voted. I didn't get a sticker so I have no proof! But, believe me, I was there!

Then I met my grandma for her birthday lunch and chatted for a while. It was so nice to see her.

Now I'm home, procrastinating on getting to work! I have a stack of papers to record in the grade book and a doozy of a parent teacher conference to prepare for. Yeah, this one requires written reports AND the principal there to "hold my hand." It should be interesting.

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