Friday, January 6, 2012

Dog pictures and more going green

Sorry but I just have to share some more pictures of my adorable dog!  I got a new lens for my SLR and it makes me feel all artsy when I take pictures.  And this picture of Kelly and Toby is so pretty I hope she doesn't mind me sharing it!

Also, earlier this week I talked about how I worked on canceling my subscriptions to several catalogs that I get in the mail.  Today, I worked on canceling some junk mail.  I get Bank of America junk mail EVERY WEEK.  You would think they would get the point by now:  I'M NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR CREDIT CARD!  :) Here's the website you can click on to get out of these mailings:  Stop Bank of America Junk Mail.  Another credit card company that has been very persistent is Chase!  I get so many offers from them! I'm pretty sure I get one per week. Here's the link for them:  Chase Mailing Options.  I'm so excited to see how this actually works and hopefully save some trees. 

(One suggestion I didn't take but thought was funny is to take the postage-paid envelopes and stuff them with your junk mail and send them back to the company.  How good is that?!)

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