So for some reason I'm in the mood to start blogging again! It really is a cool way to get out your thoughts and save your memories of a season that may not be so memorable. I'm going to try a challenge: 30 days of blogging with no skips! Let's see how far I get!
So for my first blog of this challenge I'd like to share the transformation that happened in my house today. Of course I didn't think to take a picture of the before, but here is my old TV:
Excuse the dust. Now this was a NICE TV, in my opinion. Big, nice picture, and it was given to me for free! But, for Christmas, I got a new TV! This was a total surprise because I didn't even think of asking for a new TV. I was happy with my old one. However, I was VERY excited when I saw this one!
(Let's hear it for closed captioning!!) Doesn't that look nice! It is so skinny and light and the picture is crazy good. I can't believe it. Now I can go to Best Buy and get a wireless connection to my computer and I can watch Netflix on it! (My old TV was too old to have the right connections to do that.)
Another thing I am doing tonight is filling out my new agenda from Kelly!
Isn't it pretty?
These are the kinds of things you do when you have strep throat on your Christmas break! I hope tomorrow I feel better and can actually get out of the house!
:) So happy you like the TV.