I started school and all is going well! I'm using some of my introduction stuff that I used two years ago so I know what reaction I'm going to get with pretty much everything I do. You have to speak v e r y. s l o w l y. And enunciate like crazy. But it works! I try to imagine some French person was coming to talk to me and how I would feel. Even though I studied it a lot, it's way different with a native speaker. Here are some pictures.

Morning assembly - all students sit and wait, then stand for the Thai anthem, pay respect to Buddha, and meditate. Then they are deluged with lots of school announcements and lectures, from what I can tell.
Lunch - students can eat in the "canteen" but some choose to come back to the English department. The boy on the right always comes to talk to me! I can tell he works up his courage every time!

My second class, 10th grade - they are reading my introduction.
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Location:Khao Phanom,Thailand
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