Monday, June 30, 2008
I'm offended
The poor wretch threw himself at the king's feet and begged, 'Give me a chance and I'll pay it all back.' Touched by his plea, the king let him off, erasing the debt.
The servant was no sooner out of the room when he came upon one of his fellow servants who owed him ten dollars. He seized him by the throat and demanded, 'Pay up. Now!'
The poor wretch threw himself down and begged, 'Give me a chance and I'll pay it all back.' But he wouldn't do it. He had him arrested and put in jail until the debt was paid.
-from Matthew 18, the Message Bible
This story is a lot like me. The Lord has forgiven me of thousands of sins, yet I remember and ponder every action that offends me.
Lord, help me to forgive as you forgive, graciously, patiently, and with love.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Works For Me Wednesday

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Random Thoughts
- I love having family so close! Tomorrow night I am meeting my mom for a Moe's date! Yum!
- Summer school is going great. I have 12 students and they work pretty hard. We work on reading all day. We have been doing an author study on Kevin Henkes with books like Chrysanthemum, Weekend with Wendall, and Owen. We also have to do a boring lesson twice a day on phonics. Its not the most exciting thing but it works. I'm teaching things like the different ways to spell the /j/ sound. Fun!
- Kelly is pregnant! I've been reading her blog for a while now and I couldn't be happier for her! She's been wanting a baby and was having trouble getting pregnant. God is so good!
- Isn't this weird? Square watermelons so that they would take up less space in your fridge.

- I've been trying to exercise. Two days down. I know that if you do something for 14 days it becomes a habit. We'll see!
- I'm still loving! I've been watching ER while I walk on the treadmill.
- To quote Big Mama, the problem with the heat is that its hot. I'm already tired of being hot and its only June!
- That's the end of my random thoughts, thanks for staying awake.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Weekend Shmeekend
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Works For Me Wednesday

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I'm a wannabe
I LOVE mom blogs! I know, its weird, but I do! I love hearing the stories about the kiddies, the pictures, the tips. Look at my blogroll - just about all of them are moms! I read a ton more, but I haven't gotten around to adding them to my blogroll.
I found a new one in my comments today: Mom's Crafty Life! And they are having a giveaway! And since I had such luck with 6yearmed, I thought I'd give them a shout out so I can have a shot on winning their contest.
My favorite part of the site is the "Works for Me" section. I love these kinds of tips! I'm such a mommy wannabe.
Monday, June 16, 2008
1st day of school
I still can't get over two of my boys' names: Richard and Frank. For some reason, I just imagine middle age men when I hear those names! But sure enough, they are little boys.
We are doing reading ALL DAY! Reading is my favorite thing to teach, so that is good for me. These little ones need lots of encouragement when it comes to reading. My main goal is to increase their confidence in reading and get them to stop saying, "I can't read."
And - exciting news was waiting for me when I got home and checked my email. 6YearMed emailed me to let me know I won her giveaway - a Starbucks gift card! How cool it is to win something from someone I feel like I know ... Thanks Danielle!
Friday, June 13, 2008
15 names? That's not a small group!
I hit the reply button to type some sort of tactful yet complaining email to my boss. Then, I thought, let me call Jodi. Jodi is a friend of mine with a very level head and a Christian heart. Let me see what she thinks.
If I want sympathy, this girl is the wrong one to go to! The first thing she says is, "You should be thankful for the job." Hmmph. Not what I want to hear. I want someone to complain along with me!
The more we talked the more she made me realize that I should be thankful. Another teacher who had wanted to teach summer school had received a call this week and was told they wouldn't need her this summer.
So, I hit the X on the email. Then I remembered this verse that I have sitting in my car. "Do everything without complaining or arguing." (Philippians 2:14)
That's my challenge this summer! No matter what is thrown at me, I want to handle it with grace and patience.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Project complete!
Today's my last day of real freedom because I start summer school tomorrow. So I'm glad to get some cleaning done!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Works For Me Wednesday

- I use reusable grocery bags instead of paper or plastic. They are actually much more convenient and easy to carry, and they hold a lot more. You can get them for about $2 at your grocery store.
- I recycle cans. Since I'm a huge diet coke fan, this is big!**
- Whenever I need a new light bulb, I buy the new energy efficient kind.
- I turn out the lights, TV, etc. when I leave the room.
- I only use one napkin instead of 5.
- I have a programmable thermostat and I actually learned how to program it!
- I never use paper or plastic plates at home.
- I try to line dry my clothes whenever possible.
These are pretty self-explanatory and nothing too drastic. But its a start!
Visit Rocks in My Dryer for more tips.
**Actually my grandpa recycles them for me! He takes all the cans to the SPCA, and they get the $$. Thanks papa!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Today's Project
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
1st day of summer!
Kelly and Katie at Mimi's
Grandpa and Grandma
Its always a little crazy when we all get together. First of all, we are all dog-lovers. Just about everyone in my family owns at least one dog. And we all like to bring our dogs along to family get-togethers! The latest addition is Stella, Kelly and Austin's pit bull. Yes, she's a pit bull! They have a really bad reputation, but its all in the way you raise them (says Kelly). Stella is just a big, cute, muscular teddy bear with lots of energy!
We always have at least 4 conversations going at the same time, and I love to sit back and listen to pieces of all of them!Oh, I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Works For Me Wednesday

Here's my suggestions, but I preface by saying that I'm not a mom! But I am a second grade teacher, so I guess I'm a little qualified!
- Play school! Have your kids be the teachers, and have them make worksheets for you. Make some mistakes and challenge them to find out if you made a 100%.
- Visit educational websites like and Read poetry from (check out "Potty Poems")and challenge your kids to write their own.
- Go to the library! If you sign up on this website your kids can get FREE prizes for reading.
- Practice skills that your kids learned this year at school by playing these games. Some are more fun than others but don't let all that learning go to waste this summer.
- This is more for parents, but check out what your child will learn next year. It will help you understand what they are doing at school!
Last Full Day
On the good side, my grandparents came and were lifesavers as usual. They totally helped me pull off the party and did the entire clean-up while I was stuck in a faculty meeting.
And...I'm teaching summer school! I'm so excited because it will be extra $$! Plus, I will only have 8-10 kids and I will be able to make a huge difference.
Thanks for reading this scatter-brained post!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Outdoor Adventures
Well, I am fine with the mowing, edging, weed-whacking and stuff, IF everything works correctly. My lawn mower is excellent and always starts easily. On the other hand, my grandpa gave me his old weed whacker and it worked fine. It was plain but trusty. Then I had the grand idea to ask for a new, fancy weed-whacker/edger all in one. I got one for Christmas and was thrilled.
Its never worked for more than two minutes at a time.
In the meanwhile, old trusty got offended and it decided not to work either.
So, suffice it to say that I will be going shopping tomorrow for a solution to this problem! I'm tired of fixing the string every minute!
In other news, I only have 1 and 1/2 days left! I'm very excited, although I still don't know if I will be teaching summer school. And I still have about 11 more DVDs to burn! They are taking 1-3 hours per DVD! And then, sometimes it spits the disc out in the last minute with an error message. I'm hoping that I will get them all done by tomorrow afternoon!
Monday, June 2, 2008
How does she do this??
I "stole" this from Melanie!